SAFE SPACE for other women TO BE

“If so few female geniuses are found in history, it is because society denies them any means of expression.”- Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex

I write this hoping that the shift will happen in my lifetime. 

I was once visiting a marginalised community in Kanchipuram district- Tamil Nadu. I spent my day interacting and distributing micro-loans to women of the Irula tribe. I was amused that they happily accepted the loan without any questions. Perplexed by this behaviour, I asked them why they were not keen to know more about me. Didn’t they have a fear of the repercussions of defaulting? Why do they believe in whatever I say, especially in money matters?   

They unanimously responded that a woman could never cheat another woman.

I realised that it was innate TRUST. This trust is an emotion that comes naturally when women come together across socio-economic backgrounds.  This stayed with me because this is a fact. Women across socio-economic strata trust each other and build each other up. We LISTEN to our women friends/colleagues/peers across socio-economic backgrounds. We are inclined to nurture and offer strength and support to other women. Across the socio-economic, religious and cultural cross-section, when women come together, we naturally create a SAFE SPACE to be ourselves and function without threat or toxicity. 

I am lucky to have found this connection with several women both professionally and personally. This mutual symbiotically nurturing relationship helps empower women and builds, grows and uplifts one another. Across socio-economic backgrounds, when women come together, we can move mountains. 

Large groups of women coming together is good for her and the entire ecosystem.

It is my endeavour in my lifetime to build these networks of women for women across the socio-economic-religious-cultural diaspora. 

Women belong in places where decisions are being made- It shouldn’t be that women are the exception. 

I mentor women, help them build careers, and ensure their professional growth. In my mentorship, I have observed that all women have similar problems ranging from motherhood, family issues and juggling multiple roles. For centuries there has been a set narrative for women, and we’ve subtly followed it. Now is the time to change the narrative and build our tribe.

I’ve benefited from many women leaders in all capacities around me, and I call it my “safe space.”